Monday, June 06, 2005

PC takes the point!

Lately I've been trying to determine whether my next computer should be a PC or a Mac. I know that it's horribly disloyal of me to even consider a mac, but really, they always run so smoothly and look so pretty. And after last night talking with Scott about it, it appears that it would be even easier to keep myself organized with a mac, and I love being organized.

The main point that I will not be switching to Mac, however, is that it doesn't do gaming at all. I'm not that into PC gaming, but I do have a few and I'm interested in a couple new ones, too. But now the PC has gained another point against Mac: TopDesk. This is a feature Mac users have enjoyed for a long time, but now we can do it too. This feature makes it so that you can press a single button on your keyboard and it separates all the open windows into thumbnail views. This makes it very easy to switch between applications that you're using, especially when the little buttons in the task bar are tiny and you can't read what they say. Plus it looks pretty cool, too. So try it out. It's just a trial version, but all that means is that each time you boot up your PC you have to open the application, it's not automatic.

Have fun!

See how pretty? Posted by Hello



At 6/06/2005 9:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, see, but Macs have a few fundamental things wrong with them, such as THEY NEVER WORK OR RUN ANYTHING YOU WANT TO RUN.

Buy a Mac and I'll stop being your friend.


PS. Sorry about this weekend - remember when my cell phone cut out on Thursday? It's because my battery was melting, or something. So I took it to Nextel, and they're giving me a new phone! Woo!

At 6/10/2005 8:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Jor, there are several more things I could say to try to lure you over to the Mac side. If you haven't already, head on over to the Apple site and check out the OSX Tiger features like 'Spotlight' and 'Widgets.' These are things that make life a lot easier if you do use your computer constantly. Also, I don't know if PCs do this but I like how with OSX you can easily hide/unhide the programs you're running. Basically I never have to minimize a window because I'll just hide the programs I'm not using for the moment.

If you want lots of games, definitely go with PC. If there are specific games you want tho, you can always check and see if they have a Mac port. Any modern game I have run on my Mac has run beautifully.

It's true Macs were kinda unstable before OSX, but that is old news. I switched to Mac bc the OSX DOES slowdown, no crashing, no weird error messages or blue screens of death. Mind you that besides the basic programs it comes with, I mostly use it for multimedia (audio/video production). That is the type of stuff Macs are made for and they perform beautifully.

Oh...and no viruses.


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