Thursday, July 28, 2005


I am visiting my friend Scott in Michigan right now and I was surfing and I found something wonderful. Yes they look real, and kinda creepy. Yes, there is a movie showing them in action. Please check it out.

Also, Rebecca posed an interesting question to me yesterday and I thought I would ask everyone else, too. If you were on an island (that had any kind of technology you wanted) what are the 5 movies and 5 albums you'd want with you? Post it in the comments section and I'll reveal my picks in a couple days after I'm home and I've had a little more time to think about it. It's a tough one. Good luck!!!


Thursday, July 07, 2005

Weird Fun

Ragdoll physics is a term used by video gamers and the like to describe a more lifelike movement system for (usually) dead characters in a game when their bodies are flying around. Check out this chick. It might feel a little messed up, but if you put on something by Joe Hisaishi (Howl's Moving Castle was my choice, but I'm sure Spirited Away will do just as well) it seems to be very peaceful and fun. Don't forget to click on her and control her however you want. I found the throwing to be the best. Have a peaceful and floating Thursday.


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